Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It’s…OK, maybe ABS’ training isn’t able to save the world, but we think it’s “Super”. And, if the response to the recent Real Estate Lending Basics class was any indication, our banks do too. Community banks still want and need quality, cost-effective training, and ABS is pleased to deliver.
In this most recent group of participants, over half the class were either new to lending responsibilities or new to banking. The remainder simply wanted to refresh themselves in light of the many regulatory changes. With the recent deluge of new banking rules, regulations, guidance, and interpretation, bankers are more and more challenged with making sure that they know how to comply with the regulatory changes and still providing the great, timely service that their customers have come to expect. ABS remains a reliable training resource for bankers in the ever-changing environment of banking regulation. In addition, we provide regulatory compliance auditing and consulting services to assist our clients with their compliance responsibilities.
So, if your banking world is in need of some speeding-bullet and leaping-tall-building type help, it would be “super” if you would give us a call. We’d love to partner with you. Our 2012 training calendar is in process of being developed, so let us know what you’d like to see in the way of training.